One of the best things about living overseas is getting to show friends from home around your new city! While I don't actually live in Amsterdam, I visit often enough that I feel I have a basic grip ... READ the POST
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Experiencing Dahlia Fields in the Netherlands – a Summer Alternative to the Tulip Craze
Sure, everybody knows about the famous Dutch tulips, tourists flock to the country every spring to see them in bloom, I've even written previously about visiting Keukenhof and how to see tulips away ... READ the POST
A Museum Steam Train and Boat Trip in the Netherlands
I randomly stumbled upon a unique Dutch attraction whole browsing Instagram this year; a steam train that travels past some pretty tulip fields. Obviously, it makes for very pretty photos so, in my ... READ the POST
Visiting Spring Beach near Orford, Tasmania
I'm feeling nostalgic today about growing up in Tassie (probably because I'm planning a trip back at the end of the year) so I thought I'd write a post about one of my favourite beaches in the state. ... READ the POST
The Best Video Games to Inspire Travel
As much as many people love to travel the world, sometimes we just can't. Whether it's due to money constraints, illness, problems with accessibility or passport privilege, not everyone is able to see ... READ the POST
Experiencing the Kingdom of Elfia at Castle de Haar
I've wanted to experience Elfia since I first moved to the Netherlands, after hearing about it from Dennis and seeing lots of amazing photos online. This year we finally managed to be organised enough ... READ the POST