Tassie Devil Abroad is a blog about the adventures of a girl from small-town Tasmania, but it is also so much more than that. It is a place for devilish travellers to get inspired by amazing destinations, read about the most weird and wacky museums and sights out there, as well as find tips and tricks for travel, expat life, and more.

- Articles about travelling on a budget and making the most of your travel time even if you have a full-time job, house, and pets.
- Inspiration and information on places to visit to curb your appetite for all things geeky, nerdy or fangirly.
- Itineraries and information about road-tripping in Europe, since that’s how Dennis and I usually travel.
- Insider tips and itineraries for the places I have the most insight into (having lived there): London, The Netherlands and Tasmania.
- Useful information about moving abroad and living as an expat in London and the Netherlands.
- Anything about being a digital nomad or travelling non-stop. Simply because I’ve never done it but perhaps in the future we might.
- Luxury travel – maybe one day if we get rich enough! 😉
If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Doctor Who or Alice in Wonderland fandoms then you might want to check out these posts:
How to Have the Perfect Harry Potter Weekend in London
Where in Europe You Should Travel Based on Your Favourite Game of Thrones House
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who in London (How to Have the Perfect Geeky Weekend)
What Alice in Wonderland Can Teach You About Travel
For more about London or the Netherlands (or any of the places I’ve visited) make sure you check out the Destinations tab on the top-bar for specific places.
If you’re looking to move overseas then you might like to use my How To Move Abroad guides to get started; I have one for London and one for the Netherlands.