If you've spent any time on this blog you will probably already know that whenever I go somewhere I'm looking for cool bookshops and libraries to explore. I've always joked with friends and family ... READ the POST
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The Coolest Things To Do In Launceston, Tasmania and Surrounds
Launceston is often overlooked by visitors to Tasmania, in favour of more popular Hobart and the attractions of Tassie's south. But you are definitely missing out if you don't spend some time up north ... READ the POST
Staying at Rydges Sydney Harbour and Exploring The Rocks
When I got to take Dennis back to Australia to meet my family and friends, I didn't only want him to see Tasmania. We didn't have a huge amount of time (or money) to show him as much of the country as ... READ the POST
Staying at the Wrest Point Hotel and Casino in Hobart, Tasmania
One of the 'problems' when it comes to writing about a place you have lived is that you're not always that experienced with the accommodation on offer, since you already live there it's unlikely you ... READ the POST
Exploring the Land Art Flevoland Route
Flevoland isn't usually on most people's lists of parts of the Netherlands to explore, but if you skip it altogether then you're missing out! Of course, I'm slightly biased since I live here and have ... READ the POST
10+ Australian Movies You Should Watch Before Travelling to Australia
While it might not be quite the same as Hollywood, the Australian film industry is becoming more well-known even outside Australia. Reading books and watching films from a certain place are both great ... READ the POST